Ability to Add Project without uploading plans
done - in next release
Phil Beauchamp
I'm looking to find an application for the software as a GC as well as a subcontractor. As a GC design builds and small projects can often come without plans. I'd like to be able to create and track a project without having to upload a plan set. At this time it appears you can not create a project without also uploading plans.
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Chris Buzz
We're always looking for better ways to do things, that are more intuitive and reduce keystrokes and unnecessary dialog boxes. We had an additional design meeting today resulted in a more silent solution for this new feature. The solution will now be as follows: If no plans have been added when the "Apply Changes" is clicked, we will create the Project with a single, blank page "Page 1", and move you to the Plans tab to begin your blank canvas takeoff.
Phil Beauchamp
That would work out perfectly. I appreciate the quick response.
Chris Buzz
done - in next release
JIRA 11742 Development ticket.
Chris Buzz
in progress
Hi Phil. I've mocked up the UI screens that would control the business logic setting to allow a Project to be created without Plans.
Chris Buzz
under review
Hi Phil. I tried to find a workaround, but agree with you that a Project cannot be created without a Plan Set. This is a business logic setting that I will create a request for consideration if when clicking "Apply Changes" without Plans, that we present a dialog box, that allows for proceeding or cancelling.