Unhatched areas recognition?
in progress
Shawn Hayes
Is it possible to make the ClickOnce feature recognize areas (ceilings typically) that the architect did NOT hatch? It appears the CO system uses the various types of hatching for that amazing one click ceiling takeoff, but unfortunately from time to time the architects will use "no hatch" as the notation method for GWB ceilings/soffits which leaves me clicking corners like a caveman. I have a 12 story going right now with this challenge....
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Chris Buzz
in progress
Escalating feature request to Leonard for prioritization.
Chris Buzz
Shawn. We have a solution for you. The blue icon in the ClickONCE pallet is the "On / Off" that allows you to switch to auto or manual. Also, when you're working with ClickONCE and you want to temporarily disable it into manual takeoff mode, you can use the "Shift" key. I'll call you to make sure this works for you.
Shawn Hayes
Chris Buzz
Doh! I was aware of the on/off for CO and swear I had it off but apparently, I did not. I was NOT aware that turning off CO toggles off ALL of the Computer Vision capabilities though, so that is good to know.
Shawn Hayes
Chris Buzz
Follow up: even with the CO pallet toggled off, the Computer Vision system still has some active predictive functionality where it's grabbing at plan features. I still believe that a "full dumb" mode toggle button has value for the time you just need to click unfettered.
Chris Buzz
under review
Thanks Shawn. We sure don't want you to go back to caveman mode !!
I've captured your inquiry and added it to our feature review queue to see if we can train our Computer Vision recognition for "no hatch" fill patterns. Thanks for this suggestion.
Shawn Hayes
Chris Buzz
Much appreciated. This actually ties into one of my other requests to be able to completely toggle OFF the Computer Vision when you need to. This is a great example of when you'd want that; because even though CV does not recognize "no hatch" when you're trying to click the million or so corners of the no hatch ceilings, CV is still finding artifacts it wants to attach your corners to that don't necessarily match where you WANT to click, so you're constantly fighting the system to click the locations you actually want.